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Comic Cons - The magical World of Geeks & Nerds

Cool t-shirt from comicon festival with original artwork is available in this store.

The popularity of the science-fiction, comic books and anime movies and series are behind the success of the Comic Cons. They are one of the biggest events in USA with thousands of people participating in it. It is a place where geeks and nerds can be who they are. Here they get a chance to be as nerdy as they want. More and more people are now joining the Comic Con events including celebrities.

If you are thinking what is this Comic Con then you are probably are new to it. Let’s begin from the beginning:

Comic Con is an event for the fans of comic books and its different genres. Comic cons are also held for the fans of superheroes, science fiction, spaceships, zombies, anime, action movies, Manga and so many others. In these conventions people come together to celebrate the geek culture and its many aspects. The participants get to dress up as their favorite character from movies, video games, comic books and TV series.

A few decades ago the first Comic Con was organized in San Diego in 1970 known as the San Diego Comic-Con or SDCC. Back then only 300 people participated but it was a huge number and the number has only increased every year. The purpose of the event was to provide the fans of the genres a place where they can celebrate and meet likeminded people. This was the first time that geeks had the place where they could go and belong. This also started the geek culture that we know today.

Why People Love Comic Cons?

Comic Cons have only grown in popularity. Thanks to movies like Star Wars and Superheroes movies, people are now finding these events to be more exciting like the concerts.

The reason people like Comic Con are that geeks and nerds have the place where they can be themselves. People assume that the science geeks are loners and they never socialize or they like making friends. This is completely untrue. They like making friends like any other people. The difficulty that geeks face is finding people like themselves. The so called normal people judge these geeks and nerds harshly. At Comic Con the usual nerds and geeks can find people who love the same thing as they do. Here they can have fun and enjoy things they like and not adhere to the norms. This is one of the biggest reasons why people love Comic Con.

All the superheroes were geeks before they got the power and they became ultra cool. This is some kind of dream that every geek in the world wants to come true. But times have changed. Being a geek is no longer a taboo. Now it’s cool to be nerd or geek. The popular TV series like the Big Bang Theory where the four main characters are bunch of geeky science geniuses but to the outer world they are just geeks, have made geeky popular.

The dorky t-shits, glasses, accessories have made the geek culture ever so popular. The technological advancement has also played a huge role in making such events so popular and successful. From Steve Jobs to Bill Gates to Mark Zukerburg, they were considered as geeks before they gave the world something different and powerful and advanced. People now idolize these men and they have accepted that being geeky is no longer a bad thing.

At Comic Con people can meet and make friends and even pitch their ideas. They can share ideas and information and don’t feel stupid at all. This is the place where they are completely free. It is a platform that provides them with freedom of expression. The best thing is even people who are usually not geeks and nerds are now striving to become one.

Most Popular Comic Con in the USA


This is the mother of all Comic Con. This is where it all began in 1970, the first ever Comic Con. It is one of the biggest and the most popular of all Comic Con in USA. It is an annual event and usually taking place in July. Here the lovers of Comic Books, video games, movies, TV series, science fiction come together to celebrate the event. People from all around the USA and the world participate in it. One of the major attraction of the Con are sneak preview of the upcoming films, games, books and you will even get to see some of the popular actors.


The Wondercon is another most popular Comic Con event taking place in Anaheim in CA. It’s all about the comic books. This is a place where comic book lovers can find their favorite comic books. From the rare to back issue comics, you will have everything here. Here you will find everything related to comic book including upcoming movies, TV series and games based on the comic books.


This is another big and popular Comic Con. This is one of the biggest events taking place in Houston. It brings together the enthusiasts of comics, gaming, anime, sports, and movies.  This is the place for the nerds and geeks. You will also find many celebrities gracing the even with their presence.


Twitchcon is another popular Comic Con dedicated to comics, games, movies and so much more. This event is known for its various activities including charity games, tournaments, music production and much more. This is one of the Comic Cons that is held all over the world.

Comic Con is like a Holy Place for the nerds and Geeks crazy about comics, superheroes and sci-fi movies. The evens are not just limited to comics they are expanding into another genres as well. They are one of the biggest events in the USA and bring together people who think alike.